How it all works…
Light from the laser is attracted to the pigment in your hair. This light energy is absorbed by the hair creating a heat reaction which works to destroy the follicle. Our target is in fact the germ/stem cells within the follicle, and when these are ‘cooked’ at the correct temperature (70 degrees) and for the right amount of time, the follicle is killed and thus no more hair can grow.
The darker the hair, the more effective the treatment. Sadly, blonde, red and grey hair do not respond as the laser light simply does not ‘see’ it.
It is important to understand that multiple treatments will be required for desired results. The reason for this is because hair has three growth stages (and each hair can be in any one stage!):
ANAGEN - New hair is growing and is connected to a blood supply at the base of the follicle. During this phase, follicles are pushing out hairs that will continue to grow until they’re cut or until they reach the end of their lifespan and fall out. This is the longest phase and most importantly the only one in which the laser can destroy the follicle. Between 10% - 70% of hairs are in this stage at any time.
CATAGEN - During this phase, hair follicles shrink and hair growth slows. The hair also separates from the bottom of the hair follicle and blood supply, but remains in place during its final days of growing.
TELOGEN - this ‘resting’ phase lasts around 3 months. The hair has now completely detached from the hair follicle and blood supply. The new Anagen hair starts to grow underneath and pushes this old hair out.