Wave goodbye to any ink regrets with Laser Tattoo Removal. Using the most effective laser on the market, our Q Switched ND YAG laser utilises two wavelengths to banish unwanted body art.
laser tattoo removal
Join us for a cuppa and a consultation to see how laser might work for you! You will need to attend a consultation, along with receiving a patch test at least 48 hrs prior to starting laser hair removal.
A £20 booking fee is required to secure your space, however this is either deducted from the cost of your laser treatment or returned to you if you decide that the treatment is not for you. The booking fee falls under the rules of our Booking and Cancellation Policy therefore we do require 24 hours notice to cancel/reschedule your consultation otherwise the fee will unfortunately be lost.
People describe it as a hot, elastic band being flicked at the skin and then afterwards a similar sensation to that of mild sunburn.
To help minimise the sensation, we cool the area with ice before, during and after your treatment.
The number of sessions needed will vary from person to person and depends upon how well the tattoo responds. It may take as little as 4, it could be more than 12.
Each session is spaced out at least every 6 weeks, sometimes longer to give the tattoo time to disperse and the skin to heal.
Yes, it is. When performed correctly by a certified laser technician, laser tattoo removal is both safe and effective. However, it is a clinical procedure. As such, there is a potential for associated risks.
Prior to any treatments taking place you will undergo a thorough consultation which will assess your complete medical history. This allows us to make sure you are suitable to receive the treatment and to minimise the risk of any complications.
Essentially, the removal of a tattoo involves creating a controlled burn with the laser. There is an immediate whitening of the treated area, which may last anywhere from several minutes up to several hours.
Short-term side-effects can include:
reddening, swelling, pinpoint bleeding, mild burning, temporary bruising and blistering.
Within 12-72 hours, your skin will likely scab or crust, and this can last for one to two weeks or more. Your skin can be pink or pale after the scab falls away. It is very important that you do not pick and scabs as this can lead to scarring and/or pigmentation changes
It is extremely important during your tattoo removal journey that you follow your therapist’s pre and post care advise. This is to minimise the risk of adverse reactions and keep the normal side effects to a minimum.
Pre-Treatment Care:
1 . Do not tan or expose unprotected skin to the sun, or tanning beds for 30 days prior to your treatment.
2. Avoid extreme heat 24 hours before such as hot tubs/saunas/steam rooms.
3 . Remove any fake tan. Treatment cannot be performed if this is present.
4 . Shave any hair in the area to be treated 24 hours prior.
5 . Avoid harsh irritants or products—including mechanical and chemical exfoliation—on the tattoo area.
6 . Remove any makeup, lotions, perfumes and deodorant on the tattoo area.
Post-Treatment Care:
1 . Apply an ice pack or cold compress over the gauze bandage several times a day (if needed) to help reduce bruising and swelling which can last from one hour to seven days.
2 . To help prevent infection, and ease discomfort please use a 99% pure Aloe Vera Gel. This can be purchased from us.
3 . Avoid vigorous exercise, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and swimming for two to seven days. and until the area looks like it has healed.
4 . Avoid exposure to sun or sunbeds for 30 days post treatment.
5 . Use an SPF 30 minimum on the area when being exposed to DAYLIGHT, not just on sunny days. Continue to use this during your entire treatment journey and for 8 weeks once treatment has finished.
6 . Avoid harsh irritants or products—including mechanical and chemical exfoliation—on the tattoo area.
7 . Seek immediate medical attention if: the area appears to be infected—honey-coloured crusting, oozing, and/or spreading redness; you experience unusual discomfort or bleeding; you have any extreme reactions such as fever, rash, difficulty breathing or other complications.
In most cases, tattoos can be considerably diminished, however we cannot guarantee complete removal. Some tattoos are easier to treat than others depending upon the following factors:
1 . Colour, quality, quantity and depth of pigment.
Certain pigments such as black and dark blue, brown and green respond better to the laser than do red, orange, light blue or pink pigments which may require more treatments to achieve your desired results. White tattoos are the hardest to remove and may either not respond to the laser at all (this is because lasers can’t really ‘see’ white) or in some cases actually go darker. Professionally applied tattoos use ink intended to be permanent and can require more treatments than amateur.
2 . Age of the tattoo: Older, blurred tattoos can be more difficult to remove.
3 . Location on the body: Tattoos on thinner-skinned areas such as ankles or toes are more difficult to remove than those on thicker-skinned areas, like the abdomen or thighs.
A patch test consists of 3 shots of the laser applied to the tattoo. We do this to see how the skin and tattoo will react to the treatment and to make sure it is safe to continue with a full session. We will take a photo of the area before and after the patch test. You will also be required to send us a picture 48 hrs later so we can assess how the skin and tattoo has responded.
On the same day, prior to performing the patch test we will go through a thorough consultation consisting of medical and health questions to assess your suitability for the treatment. It is extremely important that you answer and questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge.
Unfortunately, due to health and safety reasons no one can come into the room with you during your appointment. They are welcome to sit and wait in our reception area.
Please do not bring young children who cannot supervise themselves.
Tattoos consist of thousands of tiny particles of pigment (ink) that have been injected into the dermis and happily sit there. Normally, the healing process and cell turnover would remove small foreign particles from the skin, however, tattoo pigment particles are too large to be removed in this way.
Here at Truly Scrumptious we use the AW3 ND YAG Q SWITCHED laser which has a high-powered, very short, pulsed beam of light that is delivered at a specific wavelength - either 1064nm (nanometres) or 532nm, depending on the colour ink we need to remove. The laser beam passes through the skin, shattering tattoo pigment particles into smaller particles. These particles are then gradually disposed of via the body’s lymphatic system. Eventually, the tattoo fades in much the same way that a bruise fades over time.
The number of sessions needed will vary from person to person and each session is spaced out at least every 6 weeks, sometimes longer to give the tattoo time to disperse and the skin to heal.